compCode is a tool for After Effects users to turn comps and layers into code and for template builders to easily package any project into sharable After Effects scripts.
compCode converts your design to a dynamic and shareable After Effects script. Simply select your composition (or layers), hit the compCode button and it will magicaly convert it to an executable After Effects script that is backwards compatible to CS6. No coding skills are required!
The resulting script can optionally be customized with user tokens. You can specify what the end user can modify, such as layer and composition names, new footage sources or custom text for text layers.
Included is the compPack feature which allows you to package together multiple scripts into one beautiful, searchable UI panel. Have folders of scripts inside of other folders, compPack is smart enough to rebuild the UI to match your existing folder structure.
In addition add artwork and information buttons to polish your UI, and get it ready to share with others in a professional looking tool.
compCode by renderTom