Just came across this wee video I made in 2004/5 for AJ Suzuki.
Spotted some camera errors but I still like it.
Yes, it’s a recruitment agency in Belfast – that’s really called Flowjob…
I put together this promo video in after Effects with a sprinkle of Cinema4D.
What makes a perfect showreel? I dunno. Do you? What I do know is that there’s tons of mind-blowingly delicious work out there, and when it’s condensed into a bite-sized, well-considered montage set to snappy beats, it can become something really special.
Over at the Shit Showreels Say channel, we’re always knee-deep in showreels from agencies and artists all over the internet, and last year seemed better than ever. This is my summary of the reels that made us feel all warm and fuzzy during our last trip around the sun.
In no particular order…
Oliver Sin, UK.
Panic, Latvia.
Ondrej Zunka, Prague.
Clement Morin, Paris.
Phil Borst, IL, USA
Twisted Poly, Slovenia.
Giant Ant (obviously), Vancouver.
We Are Royale, LA & NYC.
Oddfellows, LA.
Shabello (Sara Bennett), UK.
Kust’, Latvia
And that’s all folks.